
Pastor Garry Wiebe

Lead Pastor


Garry & his wife Pat joined the pastoral team January 1, 2016. Garry served as an Associate/Youth Pastor before returning to OMC in 2006. Garry and Pat have served in various roles at OMC including youth leaders and most recently as deacon couple. On September 1, 2017 Garry started as full-time Lead Pastor and was ordained 9 days later. His passion is to provide leadership, teach & preach the Word in it’s entirety, to invite all people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, to encourage relationships with one another, to equip God’s people to impact their world, and to advance the kingdom of God through caring and the proclamation of the Word of God.


Pastor Simon Wiebe

Associate Pastor


Simon and his wife Linda joined the pastoral team in 2001. His role as an
associate pastor involves men’s ministry, marriage and also includes some preaching. He has a shepherd’s heart and desires to see believers live out their faith. He enjoys going for coffee and playing board games.


Pastor Dan Wright

Associate Pastor


Dan & his wife Theresa joined the pastoral staff January 1, 2016. Dan & Theresa bring a unique perspective to the Ministerial team from their experience as missionaries overseas in Papua New Guinea with Ethnos (formerly New Tribes Mission of Canada) from 1994 to 2011. Dan & Theresa served as deacon couple for 2 years prior to accepting the call of Associate Pastor. As Associate Pastor, Dan oversees Christian education in the Connect department as part of his portfolio.


Pastor Vern Enns

Pastor of Music


Vern & his wife Christiana joined the pastoral team on May 18, 2014 and Vern began to serve as Pastor of Music. Vern provides leadership to all areas of worship that pertain to music ministry. His passion is that the ministry of music would be influential in bringing people to an authentic worship experience and a closer walk with God.


Pastor Braeden Friesen

Youth Pastor




Osler Mission Chapel Deacons

The deacon couples of OMC, provide leadership on boards, committees, and various aspects of church life according to their God given gifts and abilities. Together with the Pastor couples they make up the Ministerial of OMC where they serve as elders, providing spiritual to the church.