Click here for PDF version of Camp and Worker application form Name (in full)(required) Address(required) Phone(required) Email(required) Preferred means of communication Text Email Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) Social Insurance Number(required) Education Completed. Please indicate name of school and achievement (grade)(required) Special talent, interests(required) Practical Experience #1 (Please indicate type of work, location, and duration) Practical Experience #2 (Please indicate type of work, location, and duration) Practical Experience #3 (Please indicate type of work, location, and duration) Name of Organization you plan to work with(required) Address of Organization(required) Why did you choose this Organization?(required) Dates you plan to serve (from) (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) Dates you plan to serve (to) (YYYY-MM-DD)(required) Are you required to raise funds? (if required, indicate amount. If not, indicate $0)(required) What type of work do you expect to be involved in?(required) Why do you offer yourself for short term/summer service?(required) How does Christian service fit into your long term plan?(required) Share briefly about your walk with Christ(required) Submit Summer Ministry Support Forms are due by August 27th